In Fitness For Yourself, But Not By Yourself

Date: 07 Aug 2019

Words: myframeslady London

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Commit to something bigger than yourself.

Is important for you to find deeper motivations than just the physical appearances.

Leading a healthy lifestyle takes time. Dedication. Willpower. And it requires you to push your body to its max.

It’s not an easy road.

But that’s when with a little help you’ll be able to keep on track and commit to your fitness goals.

Being part of a supportive community can keep you motivated by pushing you to work out harder.

In myframeslady we understand the ups and downs of this trajectory, this is why we want to support you. To succeed. And for us to be exactly what you need to keep on going.

Leading a healthy lifestyle isn´t just about what’s on the outside. There are many other advantages that come with having an active life.

Your fitness goals can certainly be shared and experienced with others who have a similar mind set as yours, so the following suggestions are for you to consider on your fellow fitness partner(s):



Stand together when things get rough. Let “ONE MORE!” and “YOU CAN DO IT!” be words of encouragement. Don’t worry about applying some tough love, and calling each other out when needed.



Make sure to have the same common fitness interests or type of exercise. Make things interesting too by introducing each other new things.



Don’t be shy. Try out for a new class, sign up for a different activity and be part of an already established team. This is one of the many things about fitness, you get to meet new and different people.



Not all activities have to be fitness related. Nutrition is just as important, plan a healthy meal and adventure, a new experience that will surely turn into a great time.



A little healthy competition can be a great source of motivation, an incentive to help you achieve your goals.



You can advise and learn from each other by sharing fitness tips.